본문영역 바로가기

현재 위치


Rewriting the Rules of the Korean Economy

Won-Soon Park
Byung You Cheon

It is with great pleasure that I write this foreword to Rewriting the Rules of the Korean Economy.

Citizens across advanced countries are plagued, to differing extents, with a similar set of problems—growing inequality, an increased sense of powerlessness, and a growing sense of insecurity.

The inability of our societies—of our political leaders and our governments—to adequately address these problems is leading to political turmoil, to the growth of authoritarian and would-be authoritarian leaders, to demagogues who would undermine our

democracies. The gap between what they promise and what they deliver will surely be far larger than the gap evidenced by our earlier elites, who promised that globalization and financial market liber-alization would enhance growth and stability from which all would

benefit. In the meanwhile, they do untold damage to our democracies and our societies. Trump has been engaged in unprecedented efforts not only in undermining the international rule of law, but at tearing down confidence in the basic institutions of our society, including our media, our judiciary, our universities, and our intelligence services.

  • | PART 1 | Creating New Rules of the Korean Economy
    • | CHAPTER 1 | The Current Rules of the Korean Economy
      • 1 Chaebols’ Market Dominance
      • 2 Economic Polarization and Macroeconomic Imbalance
      • 3 Export-and-Debt-Driven Growth
      • 4 Instability and Inequality in the Asset Market
      • 5 Polarizing Labor Market and Weakening Workers’ Voice
      • 6 Vulnerable Social Safety Net
      • 7 Tax Cuts for the Wealthy
    • | CHAPTER 2 | Creating New Rules
      • 1 Reform Chaebols
      • 2 Eliminate the Dual Economic Structure
      • 3 Stabilize the Asset Market
      • 4 Stabilize the Labor Market & Empower Workers
      • 5 Build a Welfare System Ensuring Economic Stability
      • 6 Construct a Fair Tax System
  • | PART 2 | Creating New Rules of Seoul
    • | CHAPTER 3 | Seoul’s Quest for Economic Equality and Inclusive Growth
      • 1 Economic Inequality in the Seoul Capital Area
      • 2 Convert Temporary Workers to Full-time Employees in the Public Sector
      • 3 Labor Rights Protection
      • 4 The Living Wage
      • 5 Seoul Basic Security Scheme
      • 6 Half-priced Tuition at the University of Seoul
      • 7 Public Rental Housing and Residential Cost Subsidy
      • 8 Promotion of the Social Economy
      • 9 Support for Small Businesses